Friday, May 9, 2008

A Quick Update

It's May and we haven't updated the blog in a while so I thought I'd get something started. The gardens are coming along really nicely - in fact it's hard to believe how quickly things have progressed. The bell peppers are starting to show flower buds, the tomato plants are getting thicker and taller and are putting on bigger, darker green leaves. The zucchini that we planted (as pictured in our last post) have all come up and put on their first true leaves. The basil is up too. The only thing left to put in the main veggie garden are the funky tomato varieties that good buddy Jon gave us. They started out small and spindly, but now they are thick and strong - like bull.

The blueberry bushes are doing great - they have lots of berries started and one has even starte putting up new shoots about a foot outside the base of the plant. I think that's a good thing - no? The strawberries look great - we even have our first tiny fruit starts.

One thing that's not looking so great is the asparagus. Not sure what the problem is there, but we do not have as many shoots as last year and most of them are pretty spindly. We did have one plant put up two nice shoots - the size you'd eat if we were picking them. Hopefully the other plants will continue to get established and start sending up some thicker shoots.

The hops are doing terrific - we've had a normally wet spring and the established hop plant has already climbed to the top of one side of our arbor, which is about 8-9 feet. We transplanted a rhizome on the other side of the arbor that we got from our neighbor, Ms. Susan, and it has taken hold and is putting on new growth.

Still to plant is the melon patch. We have it all prepared and have the seeds ready to go - just need to find the time to stick them in the ground. We also need to mulch over the entire patch. I'm concerned that it could become a real weed haven before the melons have a chance to cover the patch with their vines.

Sorry no pics with this post - we'll probably take some more this weekend and will hopefully get some new ones of the garden up.

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