Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Project Pics

We got lots of stuff done around the place this past weekend. We planted zucchini, parsley, basil, and something else - maybe coriander? I can't remember - Dianne is that right?

We ran soaker hoses along each of five rows in the big garden:

We spread about 2 cubic yards of mulch in various beds:

And we got a new garden patch started that will hopefully be home to watermellon, cantaloupe, pumpkins, and possibly some potatos:

I did a full post on Gardenaut that covers how we got this new bed started. It should be published in a couple days. It was a busy weekend around the place. We also got the lawn mowed, which is kind of a big job. Place sure does look better with a haircut.

Oh yeah, we also put in new stepping stones - that Dianne and Mr. O made - by the chicken coop door:

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