Friday, July 18, 2008

Mr. O is 3 today

We've been neglecting the blog a bit but there has been a lot going on at the farm. Veggies are coming in nicely, including some new things we've either never grown or never had success with. We'll post about those things soon.
Today is Mr. O's third birthday so I thought we'd do a Happy Birthday post. Here's a great recent shot of him taken by Mr. Jon:

We've got a big birthday party planned for tomorrow - lots of his friends and some of our friends too. I like to think there's fun stuff for kids to do here and hope they all enjoy romping about. I'm sure there'll be a lot of swinging and of course some excursions into the chicken coop to play catch the chicken (que the theme from "Rocky"). I think there will also be a trek down to the creek to do some splashing and looking for animal tracks, minnows and crayfish. There's also the playhouse in Mr. O's garden village to explore. We planted parsley in one of the beds in the garden village and it did great. So great in fact that it's now full of black swallowtail butterfly caterpillars . I think Mr. O will be excited to show those off to his friends.

I'm also excited about sharing food that we've grown with our guests. We have some big tomatoes ready to pick that we'll slice up and put on burgers. We plan to have a pesto pasta salad with pesto made from our basil. On my to do list still is make deviled eggs from eggs that our hens have provided. There'll be tons of our cucumbers sliced up on the veggie tray (we really need to move the cukes people so please eat all you can.) I think the veggie tray will also include some of the bell peppers out of our garden. I have a feeling that there will also be some unauthorized blueberry and blackberry picking by the youngsters and that Mr. O might be the ringleader of that effort. We may even slice into one of the sugarbaby watermelons from the melon patch. They're not quite as big as the seed package says they get, but they have "yellow bellies" and make a hollow sound when you rap them with your knuckles. A lady at the farmer's market tells us that when the melon's underside turns yellow instead of white (hence the yellow belly) then they're ready to eat.

Here's Mr. O showing us where a melon is hiding:

Happy birthday buddy.

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