Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Snake Battle: Chapter 4 on to victory

In this short post I am officially declaring victory in the Man vs. Rat Snake battle. I believe that we both have found happiness in this outcome. As I dropped him, the snake, my nemesis, off at his new location I was secretly thinking, "you're going to like it here dude." I'm sure he has found new eggs and new baby birds to eat - hey, just keeping it real people - and no longer feels the need to ingest our hard won eggs.

Speaking of things eating other things - last week I was walking up to my building at work and red-tailed hawk was tearing apart a freshly-killed squirrel. The hawk was all business. There were plenty of people around but he wasn't budging. A woman stood about 15 feet away snapping pictures of the carnage.

So our hens our laying steady now and we get about 3-4 eggs a day. Ok I said this was going to be a short post.

1 comment:

Greta said...

A few weeks ago I saw a hawk snatch some small bird right out of the sky, mid flight. It was very cool but sort of disturbing at the same time. He grabbed it and then landed on it, just holding the little guy down until there was no more struggle. Poor guy. But hawkman sure had a nice lunch.

Kudos on snake victory.....for now anyway ;)